The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors established our office in 1998 to serve as an advocate and problem solver for youth placed in group homes, as well as to track and report trends. Our office is placed in the Department of the Auditor-Controller in order function independently from the Department of Children and Family Services.
Our Staff

Michelle Lucarelli-Beltran has been with the Los Angeles County Office of the Ombudsperson for Youth in Short Term Residential Therapeutic Programs (STRTPs) since June 2021 and has worked with youth in foster care for over 16 years, specializing in transition-aged youth. Prior to coming to the Office of the Ombudsperson, Michelle worked for the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) for almost 11 years. Her experience includes working with youth in Extended Foster Care ages 18-20 as a social worker and supervisor, as well as an Independent Living Program Coordinator supporting youth ages 16-20 to reach their goals in education, employment, and housing. Michelle is passionate about supporting youth, providing them services, and advocating for their rights. She enjoys uplifting youth voices and empowering them to become their own advocates as well.

Heidi Martin (she, hers, Auntie) joined the Los Angeles County Office of the Ombudsperson for Youth in Short Term Residential Therapeutic Programs (STRTPs) in July 2024. She earned Master degrees in Social Work and Public Administration (Go Toros! Go Matadors!) and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Her career began in providing therapeutic supports to high needs youth in group homes. Next, she joined the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) working thirteen years as a Children’s Social Worker and Supervisor. While supporting families with complex needs, she gravitated to assisting youth and most enjoyed being an AB12 Extended Foster Care Social Worker assisting teens prepare for independence. She practices transparency, connecting youth to resources and is deeply dedicated to supporting youths.
Mia Medrano Perez is a former foster youth and is committed to helping youth reach their life goals. She currently attends Mt. San Antonio College (Mt. SAC) and has had many different opportunities working with youth. Mia worked for the Next Up/REACH Program as a Peer Advisor at Mt. SAC, which connects foster youth with on and off campus resources. In addition, in 2023 Mia was accepted into the National Foster Youth Institute (NFYI) Congressional Delegate Program to further her advocacy speaking to members of congress in the Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth. She helped raise awareness and spark change on bills and policies that affect youth in foster care. Mia is determined to empower youth.